Modular Architectures in JS

JS (programming in general) has a fanaticism problem.

"When you have a hammer..."

Fanaticism prevents us from building the best software by artifically limiting our available solutions.

Need an example? Check Twitter. Any day. Really.

Tweet FIGHT!

Modular Architecture

Stop only asking "How is [X] like [my favorite]."

Start asking "How will [X] make my code/process/life better?"

Be passionate, but not fanatic, about the tools you use.

Avoid common developer assumptions


I'm not saying don't use a framework, ever.

Consider the following:

  • Is it bringing in functionality I don't need?
  • Can I bring in outside code easily?
  • What's the investment-to-reward ratio?

Proof of Concepts

Building a POC allows you to relatively quickly determine the cost-to-benefit ratio of a particular tool.

  • Write more than 'Hello World'
  • Consider the tasks you need the tool to accomplish
  • Keep your team's eccentricities in mind / don't build in a vacuum.

This is usually where I'm barraged with arguments

Modular systems cause spaghetti code!

  • Tying together all the modules becomes an unmantainable mess.
  • My favorite framework solves this by including everything OR having a plugin system

separate module choices from your code

  • Abstraction Layers
  • Functional Mixins
  • Architecture Assistance

Abstraction Layers

Abstraction layers mean you can swap out modules without editing every reference to that module

They also mean you can create a consistent style and language for your code

Example: Primus

Functional Mixins

Augment your code without creating a direct dependency

functonal mixins!

"Architecture Assistance"

Definition of 'Framework':

"the basic structure of something : a set of ideas or facts that provide support for something" -

Good Examples:

  • Flight
  • Backbone
  • Restify

What you get

  • Swap out modules with minimal work
  • Modify abstraction layer, run the tests on your code, done.

My Framework has everything my team needs.

  • Why would I spend tons of time picking each and every module?
  • Everything moves much quicker when I use a framework
  • My team all speaks the same language this way

This is one argument where fanticism really shows.

I see it often, myself.

  • All-in-one Frameworks tend to have a steep learning curve
  • This can mean long ramp-ups to productivity

Don't hold your application hostage

  • Pick the right tool for each task
  • Don't settle for one huge library that does some things you need well at the expense of other tasks.

Third-Party module management is a nightmare.

We have the technology...

Package Management

(Client-side) Module Loading

(Also, ES6 is coming!)

Package management + module loading + CI
significant reduction in nightmares

To re-iterate

  • Be passionate, not fanatic
  • Be skeptical of large buy-in
  • Pick the right tool for each task
  • If you use a framework, be judicious

Why bother?

  • Abstractions create a common language/way of doing things
  • Everything you need, nothing you don't
  • Self-contained modules === easier, less brittle testing.

Because developer hapiness is contagious

a brief word of thanks

Thanks for Listening!

Questions? Comments? Come find me!


Engineering Evangelist, RetailMeNot